
Types of Membership

Residential Members:

Guests residing at Shree Krishna Garden complex are called residential members. They don’t have the admission fee and enjoy all the club facility like permanent members.They only pay the monthly Subscription.

Permanent Members:

Persons other than resident members can avail these Family membership. We have 4 types of Family membership under this category and they are offered at very competitive price.

  1. 1 year
  2. 5 years
  3. 10 years
  4. 35 years

This membership is valid for Primary member, his/her spouse and children below 18 years. We also have Associate membership for your parents and children above 18 years to join your membership club instead of taking a new membership individually for them.

Single Members:

Persons other than resident members and permanent members can avail these Single membership. We have only 4 types of Single membership under this category which is offered at very competitive price.

  1. 1 year
  2. 2 years
  3. 3 years
  4. 5 years

Temporary Members:

Persons other than resident and permanent members and single member can avail this membership. We introduce this membership of individual area within club like “Vibrance”, “Oasis” & “Deuce” during their prevailing season. We also call them as Seasonal membership. The membership attacks many offers at very competitive price and keep the options open for the members looking for short membership relation with Barsana.

Corporate Membership:

Tenure of this membership is 1 years to 10 years in which minimum 5 Family Memberships are allowed whose names shall be referred by Managing Director or the Authorized person of the Company / Body Corporate.

Patron Membership:

This membership shall be issued to the Developers/Owners of the Club and their family members only.

Honorary Membership:

This membership shall be given to the members to whom the Club Management decides at its full discretion tenure for which shall be 11 months only. There shall not be any Security Deposit and/or Minimum Monthly Maintenance applicable on this category of Members.


All members can bring their Guests in the Club by paying guests charges as applicable from time to time. Members shall be responsible for the conduct and expenses of their Guests.



This clause shall be applicable only to Resident Members, Permanent Members, Single Members and Corporate Members. Members shall pay monthly maintenance fee as applicable from time to time at the start of month latest by 7th of every month. We have different schemes of subscription which gives more options to our valuable members based on their needs.

Residential Family Members
  1. Monthly Subscription of Rs. 450/- *
  2. Monthly Subscription Rs.1,350/- *
  3. Close to all modern amenities
  4. *Tax as Applicable.
Residential Single Members
  1. Monthly Subscription of Rs. 300/- *
  2. Monthly Subscription Rs.847/- *
  3. Close to all modern amenities
  4. *Tax as Applicable.
Permanent Family Members
  1. Monthly Subscription of Rs. 550/- *
  2. Monthly Subscription Rs.1,600/- *
  3. Close to all modern amenities
  4. * Service Tax as Applicable.
Single Members
  1. Monthly Subscription of Rs. 847/- *
  2. Close to all modern amenities
  3. *Tax as Applicable.

Please contact Club Reception for more information about each mode of subscription.

General Guidelines

BARSANA has the right and power to amend, modify, add or delete any of the Rules & Regulations & Bye-Laws and the Terms & Conditions of the club , from time to time and without notice and implement the same. It also has the absolute power and authority to carry out development, addition or alteration of its property ( Barsana Clubs and Resorts Pvt. Ltd.) in its entirety or any portion thereof. The club is a proprietary club and the administrative and the management control of the club shall absolutely and exclusively vest with management and proprietor of the club and no member of the club or any person or party shall have any say in the management and control of the club.

Facilities and Usage

  1. Facilities of the club can be enjoyed only by the member, his spouse and his dependent unmarried children below/above 18 years.
  2. Members and their dependents should carry their Identity Cards to avail any facility of the Club. In case the card is not carried then he/she would be allowed to use the facility of the club
  3. Members may bring guests to the club against signing in the Club Register at the Reception and on payment of the charges designated for so.

Subscription & Monthly Bills

  1. Bills shall be generated in the first week of every month and must be paid by the 7th of the same month. Club Management reserves the right to suspend the use of the facilities to the defaulting member, his spouse and children.
  2. In cases of default, a late payment fee shall be charged for the amount outstanding as dues to the club. The member who is in arrears to the club shall not be permitted to enter the Club even as a guest, until his dues along with late payment fee is cleared.

Voucher Signing

  1. Members are requested to check their ID Numbers and sign vouchers to avoid wrong billing.
  2. Any person found signing against a false ID number or against another member’s account is liable for termination of membership.
  3. Members are requested to insist on a proper receipt from the Club whenever they remit the amounts to any official of the Club or else they can consider the service Free.
  4. Club may demand the bill from the member in case of any dispute regarding the payment of the member.


  1. The Club is open from 6.30 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. except "Gym" “Platter”, which is open till 10.00 pm & 10.30 pm
  2. The Club will remain closed on Mondays unless otherwise notified.
  3. The management reserves the right to select / reject an application for membership of the Club without assigning any reason.
  4. All Charges and Expenses will attract Service Tax and other rates & taxes as may be applicable from time to time.
  5. Children below 12 should generally be accompanied by their parents to the Club. Children of Members are most welcome to the Club, but it should be ensured that children do not make excessive noise so as to disturb fellow members. Children should also not enter areas or certain functions which are specifically designated for adults.
  6. No attendants may accompany a member or child into any of the activity areas of the Club.
  7. Members in swim suit should remain within the Pool Area only and changed into acceptable dress before entering the other areas of the club.
  8. Swimming Costumes must be worn if entering the Swimming Pool. Pyjamas, salwars, saris or bermudas shall not be allowed in the swimming pool.
  9. Guests / invitees of members attending the Banquets for functions will not be allowed to any other area in the club premises. The host shall be held responsible for any outward activities created by his invitee.
  10. Chewing and spitting of pan masala, betel leaves and raw tobacco is strictly prohibited.
  11. Members are requested to take care of their belongings and valuables while they are on the club premises. The club will not be responsible for any damage or loss.
  12. Bookings for various facilities are available in each facility area or at the Club Reception.
  13. A Feedback Register is available at the reception on request and members are welcome to enter their suggestions.
  14. No member or guest shall be permitted to bring dogs or any animals into the Club premises.
  15. Damaging or defacing the club property is a serious offence and is liable for disciplinary action / termination of membership.
  16. Physical assault or abuse to any member or staff is not accepted. Should the member be aggrieved he may complain to the Senior Staff on duty or inform the General Manager of the Club who will appropriately deal with the complaint.
  17. The Management reserves the right to change, amend or alter the closure period / Timings / Rates / Rules & Regulations without prior notice.
  18. The Management may further add to these general guidelines in the interest of members of the Club.


Any person who is well accepted in general society and who agrees to observe and perform and be bound by these rules and regulations and amendments hereof can apply to be a member of the Club. However Barsana reserves to itself full power and absolute discretion to reject any application for membership without assigning any


A member (or its nominee, in case of a Corporate Member) shall cease to be a member of the club in the following circumstances. i) If he/she is found guilty by a competent court of law under an offence-involving moral turpitude. ii) On failure to pay within 3 months any debts or dues to the Club, from the date the same becomes due or payable. iii) If he/she violates these Rules or misbehaves, commits violence or uses abusive language or becomes a nuisance to other members or by some of his acts and deeds spoils the reputation of the Club etc. The decision of Management of Barsana in this respect shall be final. On termination, the membership card will become ineffective and the member will be obliged to surrender his membership card to Management. In case of termination of membership no member shall be entitled to any refund on any account whatsoever.


Management of Barsana may at its sole discretion readmit the person as a member of the Club whose membership has been terminated in accordance with these Rules on such terms and conditions and on payment of such fee as it may deem fit and a member whose membership has been terminated twice shall not be readmitted under any circumstances.


Children of the members, who attain the age of 18 years and persons who are not members of the Club may be allowed as guests when accompanied by the member and on payment of such fees as may be decided by club and upon the member recording the names of the guests in the Guest Register. The conduct of the guest shall be governed by the Rules and Regulations of the Club as applicable from time to time and the member shall be responsible for the conduct of the guests. Management of Barsana  in its sole discretion has the power to curtail or restrict the power of member to introduce guests on particular day/days or occasions as, it may deem fit. II.(a) A guest shall not sign for games or order for any drink or meal or any other form of refreshment or sign for the same. The member introducing the guest shall be responsible for everything supplied to and all liabilities incurred by or on behalf of his guest. (b) If a member introduces a guest who is not eligible for admission under these Rules or contravenes the rules or fails to enter the name of his guest in the guest register even when called upon to do so his privilege to introduce a guest may be withdrawn for such time as Barsana may deem fit. (c) Management of Barsana may from time to time fix the charges payable by members in respect of guests introduced by them, as well as fix the number of times a particular guest can be allowed entry to the Club per month/year. (d) On special occasions, Management of Barsana may for such period as it deems fit withdraw the privileges extended to certain type of members and suspend the rule relating to the introduction of guests and may prescribe fresh rules for their introduction including Admission to the club on such occasions or to witness a special engagement and the charges to be paid therefore as is fixed by the Club.

A member introducing guests shall be charged such guest fees as may be decided by Management of Barsana from time to time.